DevOps & Release Automation

CPT’s DevOps practice considers culture, people, process, and tools, recognising that solution requirements vary widely across organisations. Regardless of the specific software delivery and operations monitoring processes and tools in your organisation, the key goal of DevOps remains the same – to shift to a high velocity collaborative culture, where process and tools are integrated and automated to improve the speed and reliability of delivery.

CPT partners to work with clients to establish a culture and environment where building, testing, and releasing software can happen rapidly, frequently, and more reliably.

CPT offers the following DevOps & Service Virtualisation services:

  • DevOps Capability Assessment and Uplift Strategy
  • Test Automation
  • Test Data Masking and Data Virtualization for DevOps
  • Environment Management
  • Release and Deployment Automation
  • Agile Delivery and Coaching

CPT offers both DevOps consulting and implementation services. Specifically, we can:

  • Conduct DevOps Capability Maturity Assessments to reviews your existing DevOps Capability and create a roadmap for capability uplift
  • Provide clients with a Mainframe DevOps implementation Roadmap for extending their DevOps and Agile programs to the Mainframe
  • Implement a DevOps capability uplift program

DevOps for the Mainframe

Traditionally, mainframe delivery has run on a slower cadence than customer facing applications, often with quarterly or even bi-annual release cycles. However, as organisations embrace digital transformation, new demands are being placed on mainframe systems and application delivery.

CPT, working with our partners, can help your organisation extend Agile and DevOps programs to the mainframe, allowing you to deliver changes faster with improved quality and a reduction in outages and failed deployments.

Want to get in touch?